The Story of Some Guy (Day 7)

Pat Oates
2 min readApr 6, 2021

Karl took the mic. No one clapped. The people, besides Rick and Smoke Em Up, weren’t really paying attention. Karl was silent for about 30 seconds then said “I get no respect I tell ya. No even from Aretha Franklin. Not even just a little bit. Just a little bit. R E S P E C T none given to Rodney.” Then Karl stood there, waiting for a roar of laughter to engulf him. But instead, he just got a bunch of bewildered looks. Probably because Karl didn’t do this joke in Rodney Dangerfield’s voice. He just said this in his own voice, which made no sense. If you didn’t realize he was doing an impression or didn’t know Dangerfield’s catchphrase, you just watched a depressed man just say Aretha Franklin didn’t care for him much. Which made Rick laugh harder than he had in a long time. “Rodney Dangerfield.” Karl said after realizing no one got the impression.

“Do Martin Luther King!” Junior yelled from his judges position.

“Junior or Senior? Senior exclaimed

Then both the father and son gazed at Cali. Like a predator staring at prey. “Cali should do Junior and Senior!’ the creepily said in unison

“I’d rather do Karl.” Cali stood up, walked towards Karl, gave him a kiss on his sad cheek, yelled “I quit!” then left the bar.

“I had a dream, that one day little hot bartenders would kiss unemployed people for no reason. Martin Karl King, Jr.” Karl said.

The 13 drunks watching the contest burst out in laughter. Rick and Smoke Em Up gave Karl a…



Pat Oates

Author of How Not to Suck at Comedy. Comedian, podcaster, radio personality, pretended his mom was dead on tv once