Member-only story
We’ve all done it. You hear someone you know has made a “crazy” life decision. You started a group chat, figuring out how you all will intervein, because something must be done. What they are doing doesn’t make sense. Bob from high school quit his job, took his life savings and has started to build an actual castle out of popsicle sticks and fluffernutter. You and your friends decide to reach out to Bob, telling him he’s destroying his life. Bob appreciates all your concern but says he’s happy. Now, you all agree he is indeed nuts and needs to be stopped. Building a medieval home of icy treat holders and marshmallow goodness? What he is doing is insane. right? He’s wasting his life, correct?
No. The only thing insane is trying to stop someone from happiness. The only people wasting their lives are those not focusing on their own peace of mind and trying control the lives of others.
Parents do it. Loved ones too. How many times have you heard someone say they wanted to pursue something or were considering making a life change but their parents or significant other wanted them to do something else? All the time. The parent, friend or loved ones feel “they know what’s best.” But, how can you know what is best for someone else? And, more importantly, what is “the best?”
You may think having a job that makes you financially successful is “what’s…